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Applied Learning Level 2

The MOST Comprehensive Program to Promote Optimal Neurodevelopment and Well-being for Future Generations! 

One-Of-A-Kind Learning Program. Learn Anywhere, All Online.

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Why developingMINDS?


One in six children in the United States are said to have a neurodevelopmental disorder, one in five are said to have a mental health disorder and approximately one-third of children in the United States are said to have a chronic health disorder. In 2023, the CDC reported that approximately one in thirty-six children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to 2020 data.

In order to serve these families and children and to help you become as successful as possible, we have thought about everything! Not only will you get an incredible academic program, you will learn from leading experts on how to take this information to the public as well as other health professionals in order to generate solid referrals. Within the program, you will also have access to professionally curated materials ready to use and easy to implement for maximum success in YOUR community.


Learn More About The Curriculum

Let's CONNECT What You'll Learn


Decompress to Progress!

Even the simplest input into the brain can blow the fuse of a dysregulated nervous system.

Without properly “decompressing” the nervous system prior to adding stimulation such as, primitive reflex work, postural exercises, and sensory-motor exercises, you may jeopardize the development or healing trajectory of a person. In fact, you can cause neurological shut-down to occur!

In developingMINDS, we teach critical steps to “first do no harm” and decompress the nervous system in order to progress neurologically. Using a subluxation first model, and then looking at the entire NeuroMatrix ™, we guide you through critical thinking skills to understand WHAT to look for, WHERE to start, and WHEN to add a “next step” or alter the course.

Primitive & Postural Reflexes and Neurosensory Integration!

Learn from the pioneer in the chiropractic profession when it comes to working with children that have Neurosensory and Neurodevelopmental challenges! Dr. Buerger originally brought this work to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) where she lectured for nearly a decade. She is a contributing author to the textbook Pediatric Chiropractic, Volumes I, II and III with chapters on Foundations of Neurodevelopment, Sensory Processing Disorder, and Pediatric History and Physical Exam.

Dr. Buerger has taught and lectured on this topic for over 25 years. 

Neuronutritional Considerations!

You cannot build a brain or drive the nervous system without fuel in the tank!  Without proper fuel, the brain cannot receive proper input from the body. Nor can it provide optimal physiological function to maintain homeostasis.  

Just like trying to drive a car that has an empty gas tank, you won’t get too far with a brain/nervous system that does not have the proper fuel to support its metabolic needs. In developingMINDS, we teach practitioners the ins and outs of “fueling the tank” for preconception, prenatal, post-natal and ongoing brain building and functional connectivity. 

Connecting the Connectome!

If you want to foster healthy brain development and function, you must address the gut!

It is well understood that the microbiome has direct influence on developmental neuroplasticity (brain development). The microbiome is associated with directing the immune cells of the brain for proper neural pruning of synaptic pathways. If this cross talk between the gut and the brain does not occur, neurological circuits will be affected, this is so often the case in autism. In developingMINDS, we walk you through specific “gut rehab” protocols and considerations for all ages and stages and all levels of cases.

Tethers, Tension, and Torsion!

Vertebral subluxations, tethered oral tissues (such as tongue ties), and fascial restrictions will all affect proper motor movement patterns. If movement through space is limited, maladaptive in nature, or non-existent, then maturation of brain connections will be limited, maladaptive or non-existent. In developingMINDS, we teach practitioners how to look through the lens of movement to understand the potential neurological connections and how this may affect learning, attention, and behavior.

PANS/PANDAS/Autoimmune Encephalopathy!

Chronic infectious loads in mom can cross the placenta and lead to neuroinflammation and effect the developing nervous system of the fetus. These infectious loads are associated with developmental delays, autism, neuropsychiatric disorders and more. Likewise, infectious insults anytime in life can trigger neuropsychiatric syndromes to manifest. In developingMINDS, we mentor you through understanding the multi-dynamics of these cases and how to best manage and support the needs of this population group, including specific neurofunctional programs, to help them overcome the insults of these infectious loads.

It's NOT all about MTHFR!

Rule #1, NEVER treat the gene!

Rule #2, For EVERY action, there’s a reaction!

Rule #3, NEVER EVER treat the gene!

The MTHFR gene, and consequences of its mutation, made a splash about two decades ago. But MTHFR is NOT the only gene we have! We also know that genes can have altered expression regardless of a mutation. Any stressors on the system will have the potential to dysregulate gene expression. The “gold” comes into play when you can understand and help manage individual biochemistry and the specific neuronutritional needs of each person.

Every gene requires a “co-pilot” or “assistant” to work effectively, these are various nutritional substrates such as magnesium, iron, zinc, etc., if we have an altered microbiome, insufficient diet, stress, chronic subluxations, etc., our genes will not have the energy to work. In turn, the body will not have sufficient fuel for motor development/control or for sensory modulation- this can be the case in the “low tone” kiddo. In developingMINDS, we teach you how to break down important cycles within methylation and supporting these cycles so that you can provide the ultimate foundational care for your family, yourself, and your community!



The most encompassing program that focuses on the health and wellbeing of future generations.

  • Private Facebook forum for collaboration and case discussion
  • Live interaction with Dr. Buerger during quarterly Grand Rounds
  • Dr. B at your fingertips to help you navigate difficult cases
  • Chiropractic CE’s with certain modules while learning this amazing cutting edge information!

All The Tools You Need To Build Your LEGACY

To minimize travel costs and time away from your practice and family, the program is designed as a self-paced on-line curriculum. In addition, there will be quarterly live on-line Grand Rounds classes for applied learning that are invaluable, a private Facebook forum for clinical care conversations and questions and the added caveat of one live intensive module.  

Having the opportunity to learn the material on-line and being able to implement within a practice setting, while also having a mentor to guide you through “pot holes” along the way, is invaluable. 

In the latter half of the program, meet with Dr. Buerger for an exclusive intensive gathering to hone your skills even more and work out any “kinks”. 

A final exam will also be required to obtain certification in Childhood and Adolescent Neurodevelopment.

Grand Rounds (Applied Learning Class)

Quarterly Grand Rounds classes will be held on the first Tuesday of February, May, August, and November from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM MT in a “live webinar” classroom setting.  There will be one to two “clinal case exercise assignments” that will be given throughout the year that will be discussed during Grand Rounds. These cases are invaluable to help you implement the information in a successful manner. Grand Rounds will also be used to discuss cases, answer questions and/or present any new material or information that may be appropriate.  Please note that occasional changes may occur depending on Dr. Buerger’s travel and teaching schedule. 

Classes will be recorded and available on your personal dashboard for continued listening and learning during your active membership!