How we perceive our world shapes the way respond to our world and everything and everyone in it. A person’s behavior is an outward expression of their neurological integrity. Understanding a person’s neuro-expressive behavior will give you a window into the developmental status of their brain.
M. Buerger
Program Curriculum
**Note: This includes access to L1 (Foundations of Neurodevelopment) for two years!!
Click here to download a PDF version of this course curriculum.
Setting the Stage: Painting the BIG Picture: Taking a “Red Flag” History and understanding the “Little-Big Things”
Module 1: Derailed: The Hijacking of our Children’s Neurodevelopment (Part 1)
*NOTE: After completion of both Part 1 & Part 2 (Module 9) of Derailed, 8 hours of CEs are available. A $75 CE fee does apply.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Developing Brain
Chapter 2: Behavioral Neuroscience: How mother’s stress resilience capacity affects neurodevelopment
Chapter 3: Turning the Tide: Early Intervention Strategies
Module 2: Preconception Prep A to Z
Chapter 1: Neuronutrition, Methylation and Interoception
Chapter 2: Neuronutrition, Mitochondrial Function and Interoception
Chapter 3: Metabolism, Endocrine Function and Interocpetion
Chapter 4: MOM: Microbiome of Mother and Developmental Neuroplasticity
Chapter 5: Putting it into Play
Module 3: Conceived
Chapter 1: Prenatal considerations for optimal neurodevelopment
Chapter 2: Postnatal considerations for optimal neurodevelopment
Module 4: "Parental Presence: Promoting Healthy Development and Attachment Through Mindfulness and Self-Compassion"
Chapter 1: The “WHY” and “HOW” of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Parents
Chapter 2: The Role of Parental Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Facilitating Healthy Development and Attachment
Chapter 3: Parent Workshop: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Parents
Module 5: Special Considerations
Chapter 1: The truth about TOT’s: Tethered Oral Restrictions
Chapter 2: Neuronutritional considerations for picky eaters
*Includes a parent/community workshop
Chapter 3: Pre/Post immunization considerations
Module 6: MOB: Microbiome of Baby
Chapter 1: Blueprints of the Biome Brain
Chapter 2: The Chiropractic-Gut-Immune-Sensory Axis
Chapter 3: Biome Busters and Builders
Chapter 4: Balancing the Biome
Mid-term Review & Clinical Cases (Modules 1-6)
Dr. Buerger will take you through short (15 min) review segments of Modules 1-6 and help tie pieces together for better understanding, certainty and application.
One clinical case per review module will be given to enhance critical thinking skills.
Module 7: Mastering Vagal Tone and Heart Rate Variability (Formally Module 8)
Chapter 1: Adapt or Die: HRV and its Unique Possibility for Chiropractic
Chapter 2: Hitting the Gas: Using HRV in Practice
Chapter 3: HRV Research in Chiropractic & Developing an HRV Program for YOUR office
Chapter 4: Heart Rate Variability & Neurodevelopment
Module 8: Neuroscience for the Chiropractor Made Easy
(12 hours on-line CE’s available; $75 CE fee applies)
Chapter 1: Neurobiology of the neuron
Chapter 2: Neurobiology of Glial Cells
Chapter 3: Nerve cell membranes and the membrane potential
Chapter 4: The action potential
Chapter 5: The Synapse and Synaptic transmission
Chapter 6: Cortical Anatomy and Intro to Functional systems
Chapter 7: The sensory nervous system, Interoception, Exteroception and the Inner body schema
Chapter 8: Learning, memory and Neural Plasticity
Chapter 9: Pain - The danger warning system
Chapter 10: The Prefrontal Cortex - the conductor of the brain
Chapter 11: The limbic system - the threat detector and seat of our emotions
Chapter 12: The Neurobiology of Stress and Trauma
Module 9: Derailed: The Hijacking of our Children’s Neurodevelopment (Part 2)
NOTE: After completing this portion of Derailed (along with Part 1), you are eligible for 8 hrs on-line CE’s.
Chapter 1: The Developing Brain
(Chapter 1, Parts 2-5 continued from Module 1)
Module 9a: Neuroeducation, Back to Square One!
Note: 4 hours of CEs available in most states. A $75 CE fee applies.
Chapter 1: It’s all Connected!
Chapter 2: What’s Important for Learning?!
Chapter 3: How Emotions Effect Learning
Chpater 4: The Curriculum of the Cerebellum
Module 10: Perception-Response Disorders ™: Foundational Principles, Sensory-Motor Assessment, Development, Function and Chiropractic Connections
Chapter 1: The Foundations of Perception-Response Mechanism and the Neurobiology of Dis-Ease
Chapter 2: The Vestibular System: Evaluation & Precision NeuroIntegration Protocols ™ across all age and stages
Chapter 3: The Proprioceptive System: Evaluation & Precision NeuroIntegration Protocols ™ across all age and stages
Chapter 4: The Visual System: Evaluation & Precision NeuroIntegration Protocols ™ across all age and stages
Chapter 5: The Auditory System: Evaluation & Precision NeuroIntegration Protocols ™ across all age and stages
Chapter 6: The Tactile and Olfactory systems: Evaluation & Precision NeuroIntegration Protocols ™ across all age and stages
Chapter 7: The Neurovisceral System
Chapter 8: Brain Circuit Training ™
Chapter 9: Connecting with the Sensory Defensive Child
Module 11: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: The Neurodevelopmental Bases of Psychopathology
Chapter 1: Developmental Windows of Opportunity
Chapter 2: Frontal Lobe and Executive Functioning
Module 12: The Developing Years
Chapter 1: The First 1,000 Days
Chapter 2: Years 3-5
Module 13: Taming the Primitive Brain
Chapter 1: Primitive Reflexes in the Older Child
Chapter 2: Postural Reflexes
Module 14: Technology and the Developing Brain
Chapter 1: The effects of technology on the developing brain
Chapter 2: The effects of EMF’s on the developing brain and special populations such as autism and ADHD
Module 15: Trauma and the Developing Brain
Chapter 1: Whiplash, Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Mid-term Review for Modules 10-15
Dr. Buerger will take you through short (15 min) review segments of Modules 10-15 and help tie pieces together for better understanding, certainty and application!
Bonus Modules: (These will be sprinkled throughout the program)
Bonus #1: Communicating NeuroFocused Care and Building a Waiting List Practice
Bonus #2: The impACT Report: Giving a solid Report of Findings that leads to action!
Bonus #3: Implementation strategies for individual office paradigms
Bonus #4: Waiting room and sensory room recommendations
Bonus #5: Developing successful individualized exercise plans for home or in-office
Live Intensive & Functional Assessment (24 hours)
This class will be held approximately every two years. Location and dates TBD.
Putting it all together! Fueling the Tank & Decompressing the System will be intertwined with the Functional Neurological Assessment and NeuroIntegration Exercises: