Recent years of research has shown that there is a connection between the gut and the brain. This bi-directional axis is the core of our physical and mental health. The integrity of the microbiome of the mother (MOM) and the microbiome of the baby (MOB) have a profound impact on neurodevelopment as well as the neurobiology of disease.
In this fascinating course, Drs. Haavik and Buerger will walk you through this incredibly important topic using science, application and communication from a chiropractic approach. They will give you hands-on tangible information to implement into your everyday practice care plans as well as how to communicate an effective science based message to your community.
Course Topics Covered:
Spinal Dysfunction and the Impact on the Brain
- Ground-breaking research by Dr. Heidi Haavik, chiropractor and Ph.D., on the impact that chiropractic adjustments have on the brain and central nervous system.
- Where we are at today with the neurophysiological understanding of the impact of spinal function on brain function.
- What we know from pediatric populations and the limitations of research to date.
Heidi Haavik, Ph.D. DC
The Chiropractic-Gut-Immune-Sensory Axis
- What are the neurophysiological consequences of chronic limbic drive and the impact on the HPA axis, gut and immune system.
- What are the effects that a chronic neuroadaptive response will have on the microbiome and brain.
- The neuromodulatory effects of chiropractic care.
Monika Buerger, BA, DC
The Prefrontal Cortex: Neuroscience and Chiropractic Research
- The prefrontal cortex and the impact of the chiropractic adjustment.
- The connection to the prefrontal cortex and intelligence, movement control, pain processing, mental health, immune system and inflammation.
Heidi Haavik, Ph.D. DC
The Microbiome and the Neurobiology of Dis-ease
- The “MOM”, Microbiome of the Mom and the “MOB”, Microbiome of the Baby and the association with neurodevelopment and chronic health issues later in life.
Monika Buerger, BA, DC
The evidence about chiropractic care and babies with colic
- What is the clinical evidence about the efficacy of chiropractic care for babies with colic.
- What is the safety literature about chiropractic care for children and babies.
Heidi Haavik, Ph.D. DC
“Gut Rehab” essentials for mom and baby
- “Gut rehab” protocols for prenatal and postnatal life to help ensure the healthiest microbiome for mom and baby. Included will be chiropractic care, stress awareness, mindfulness and neuronutritional plans.
Monika Buerger, BA. DC